(303) 578-6256

Meet Mike:

Mike used to work for the city of Boulder in the Office of Environmental Affairs for more than 10 years and has been a Colorado resident all of his life. However, a couple months ago, he was in a rough car accident that caused some serious brain trauma and he was unable to continue working in his position with the city.

Shortly there after he joined the center for people with disabilities community and spends most of his time volunteering at the boulder shelter. In addition, he sets out cellular recycler bins at local non-profits in Boulder to earn extra income. While he’s no longer legally able to continue his work with the city, he still retains most of his cognitive abilities and motor skills.

For the moment he’s in an assisted living facility to undergo treatment while separated from his wife and children. But without a cell phone or Internet, it was difficult for him to communicate with his family.

When the boys at MyNewITGuys got wind of this story we wanted to help him out. After talking with his friends and co-workers, we learned that Mike used to trade stocks before he became a member of the Boulder Public Works. So we set him up with a Wi-Fi enabled laptop so that he could chat and email with his family from any hot spot in boulder, and then gave him all the training and software he needs to get back into his former career.

Goodluck Mike, we’ll see you at the top.