(303) 578-6256

ITGuys Team is all about you

…but this page is all about us


ITGuys Team’s mission is to integrate IT solutions that work best for your team, not the other way around.


Founded in 2009 & based in Colorado, our community of IT Consultants, Cablers, Web Designers, Security Engineers, and Software Specialists are committed to providing high quality solutions that work.

With decades of experience, a mix of in-house designed security technology, and time tested seasoned solutions, ITGuys Team has been built on a platform of standards that raise the industry standard. We pride ourselves on being the most effective (and cost-effective) IT support solution available.

Higher standards start here

Over the years, ITGuys has seen many solutions come and go, it happens. IT is an ever changing field and either solutions work, or they don’t. That’s why we’ve developed our in-house set of guidelines we call the Industry Standard.

Endorsed by the ITAA, the Industry Standard is a constantly changing set of guidelines and best practices used within IT environments and individuals that has been developed over the years of working with thousands people. The collective knowledge we’ve gained from seeing the mistakes of others has allowed us to develop the most stable set of IT solutions to keep office environments and teams running smoothly.

No matter where the lesson comes from, whether it’s from a customer or a Tier III Legend, the best ideas always win and those ideas are implemented across our entire network of customers. The Industry Standard is audited constantly as new threats, solutions, IT problems, and potential points of failure are developed and found.

What makes ITGuys Team different?

We have partners, not customers

We partner with our clients. We want you to see us as an extension of your in-house team. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a virtual pat on the back (okay, it’s a reboot) to set everything right. 

We go above and beyond solving problems to make sure that our solutions are effective and easy to use. Our focus is on education, in addition to support. Our core purpose is to better the lives of others in anyway we can.  


Environmentally Focused

Leaders in the fight against e-waste. To date, we’ve been able to prevent more than 100 tons of e-waste ending up in a landfill with our pick-up recycling program. We work daily to prevent e-waste like it’s our job, because it is – all of ours


Backup as a promise, not just a service

Data-loss can be devastating. It’s our job to make sure that never happens. From ransomeware attacks to failed storage, file corruption, or just clicking the wrong button, lost information can come from anywhere. That’s why local and cloud-based HIPAA compliant backup is included in our support as part of our commitment to make sure you never miss a beat.  

24/7 Maintenance & Protection

Always improving, by design.  Technology can go down at anytime for any reason. Your business can’t. That’s why we provide active event monitoring software on all machines we support and maintain your equipment on schedule to prevent any unwanted surprises.  We’re firm believers in keeping technology running as long as possible to prevent e-waste, but we also know when it’s time for components to be replaced. That’s where end of life (EOL) planning plays a big role in helping to schedule your technology replacement best.   

Cloud Backup

Simple & Secure SOC2 File Sharing

Wireless Security for every network

SSL VPN Firewall Solutions
Monthly Network Efficiency Reports

Virtual CTO for Growing Businesses

Professional Services

IT is a Team Sport

Streamlined Support

Self-Service Solutions

Customized Support Portals

Managed support partners are provided with a customized support portal designed to help you and your team work best.

Training Video Library Access

Technology is changing constantly, luckily we’re on top of it. Managed support partners enjoy access to a wide range of training videos updated weekly to learn tips and tricks on new ways to use common programs.

Active Threat Monitoring

ITGuys Team keeps an eye out for issues that could affect your productivity or network security and performs regular third party penetration testing to ensure your security is as tight as can be.

Join the revolution

Schedule a free network assessment from a senior ITGuys guide today and be the hero of your company tomorrow.

Easy Setup

One Click Installs

ITGuys remote support software has never been easier to set up. Just one click gets your company up and running on the most comprehensive support solution in the industry.

24x7 Support Available

Highly Trained Friendly Support Staff

Industry Standard Solutions

Customized support to fit your company's needs

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Award Winning Support

We’re here to find solutions for you, anytime you need our help. Contact us day or night. Call, Text, or Email. 

Licensed By The ITAA®

ITAA’s (Information Technology Association of America) licensing board confirms that we provide solutions you can trust. 

No Risk Support

Try ITGuys for 30 days and see the difference yourself.

Local Businesses That Trust Our Services