(Looking for someone with a good phone presence, clearly and concisely answers questions, doesn’t ramble, prepared for an interview)
Hi I’m (NAME) with ITGuys. How are you doing today? (ANSWER)
Great, I was just calling to go through some questions for the phone interview portion of the process, is now a good time? (ANSWER)
Excellent, just a heads up, before we get started, I want to let you know there’s no pressure here. I’m not a hiring manager or have anything to do with that decision making portion of the process, I’m just a person has been tasked with this part of the interview so, I’ll ask you some questions, write down your responses, then submit that info to the powers that be sound good? (ANSWER)
This job entails remote support, on-site support for clients, firewall programming, Microsoft support, taking calls from customers, resolving issues, and a high reliance on organization, note taking, and figuring out the answers to problems. And doing a bunch of fun stuff with technology in our down time. Sound fair? (ANSWER)