(303) 578-6256

Same Day Dell Support

100’s of Computers

One Simple Solution

ITGuys certified technicians are experts in repairing Dell servers, desktops, and laptops with Same-Day Support.

Make the Most of Your Dell


Like most machines, Dell computers break down over time. Get your computer checked out at least once every 6 months.


When your Dell starts to slow down, speed it back up with a computer optimization. On-site, In-store, or Remote service available.

Thermal Paste Service

The cooling part of your Dell computer can break down over time (about every 5 years). See a boost in performance by having the thermal paste replaced.


Protect your dell with the most comprehensive anti-virus solutions available. They’re more cost-effective than you think.

Cloud Backup

Make sure your information is backed up with a Cloud Backup service. Call today to find which one is right for you and your budget.

Apps & Games

When you play a lot of games, your Dell may lose power over time. Upgrade the video card to see the peak performance of your PC.

Specializing in Dell Server Support

A server may be the most important part of any company, and often the most overlooked. Regular maintenance of Dell Servers is essential to avoiding sudden software surprises or downtime if ever there’s an issue. Managed support provides regular cloud backups and maintenance at no extra charge.

When was the last time your server was maintained?

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